Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Precious contribution!

July 2023

What the SUST animal welfare workers do on the missions in the animal shelters has superhero quality. Indisputable. Top people, top motivation!

But what is the use of the greatest know-how and the washiest arms of our helpers without all the building material, furnishings, etc.?
which you make possible with your donations?
Swiss animal shelters appreciate your continued commitment to homeless animals!


Thanks to your donations we were able to renovate the cat house at the animal shelter in Nesslau with 14 SUST animal welfare workers in Togo.
- renovate the cat house
- clean out the cat runs
- install new dog fences
- Renovate the bench
Thank you! for your sustainable support for homeless animals!

#susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #susttierschutzhelfer #tierheimarbeitstag 

Precious contribution!


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