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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Yoo-hoo, the Bussi has found a start godmother!

July 2023

Animals that have grown up in human care often find it particularly difficult to get used to an independent life on the street. We can imagine that this beauty has not lived on the streets for too long either. Unfortunately, like so many of her fellow sufferers, she was hit by a car. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured. However, at the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati (RO), she first had to recover from her shock and be thoroughly examined. She cannot go back to the street, otherwise it would be her sure death sentence. Therefore she gets one of the coveted places in the SUST shelter.

Whoever takes over a start sponsorship in the form of a one-time donation in the amount of Fr. 75.- will receive a beautiful certificate as a thank you and he/she may also give the velvet paw a suitable name.

Yoo-hoo, the Bussi has found a start godmother!


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