Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Here's another proof: helping animals makes you happy!

September 2023

The ones who are beaming here are Mario and Dina. Dina is Mario's sponsored dog, whom Mario was able to meet personally on the occasion of a sponsorship trip. Dina lives with about 500 other dogs and cats in the SUST animal shelter Galati in Romania. With their regular sponsorship contributions, Mario and many other animal shelter sponsors guarantee the animals living there a sheltered life in safety.
Not all animals have a godmother or godfather yet. If you would like to support a meaningful project (and perhaps travel to Romania as a godparent), please contact us at
- patenschaft@susyutzinger.ch
- Here you can find the animals that are still looking for a godparent: www.facebook.com/media/set
- Here you can find more about the conditions of a sponsorship:
Here's another proof: helping animals makes you happy!


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