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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Happy End for Ema!

July 2023

"Disposed of"
Yes, disposed.
As unambiguous as the word seems, it can be interpreted in many different ways.
The beginning of this story makes us sad on many levels, but we tell it because it has an equally versatile happy ending!
Thea weighs no more than 3 kilos, and yet she was considered too big a burden by someone who then threw her in the trash. Thea is only about 5 months old and has already experienced a lot of sad things, but thanks to your commitment to SUST, she has transformed from a "beggar" to a "princess".
Her rescuer is a special young man who decided to adopt Thea and make her the seventh rescued dog in his household. He asked us for help because her fur was matted and dirty and millions of fleas were gnawing on her poor, weak body. We cut off all of her dirty fur and gave her a medicated bath and treatment for internal and external parasites.
Thea has adapted wonderfully to her new home and is enjoying life as a dog should. Thanks to your donations, she will also be vaccinated and neutered free of charge.
P. S. Her new name is Ema.
Thank you for supporting our work like this at the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Moreni, Romania. Not only will this help us help animals like Ema, but it will also help us reach more people so that they, like Ema's rescuers, become educated animal lovers.
Happy End for Ema!


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