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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Sanctuaries in need

We are currently receiving many calls for help from sanctuaries that are suffering from financial problems or have neglected succession planning. More than 600 animals are looking for new homes and are the victims in the cases known to the SUST. However, their rehoming - now at an advanced age - is exactly the opposite of what a sanctuary should be.

A retirement home for animals: Many animal lovers dream of running an animal shelter or a sanctuary but neglect the succession planning.
Mercy farms, animal asylums and life farms offer animals in need of protection from emergency situations a home and a dignified old age under competent care.
Many of these retirement homes for cats, birds, dogs or small animals, as well as farm animals such as pigs, cows, goats or even wild animals that can no longer be released into the wild, are run on an idealistic and non-commercial basis.

The people behind them have a high ethical standard of taking benevolent responsibility for others. Many operators of such wonderful institutions work several jobs in order to guarantee the financing of the farm, because like the SUST, these organizations are also dependent on donations. Every construction project, no matter how small, can have an impact on the entire farm, its animals and its finances. While efforts are made to make the animals' retirement as safe and familiar as possible, planning for one's own advancing age is forgotten - it is not uncommon for one's own needs to be put on the back burner and succession planning neglected.
Sustainable animal welfare
is about organizing a project in such a way that it is sustainable in any emergency. The SUST also offers help for these highly responsible organizational tasks with its "Animal Shelter Support" pillar.

To the offer for individual further training for animal care specialists

To the article worth reading on baerntoday  

Many animal lovers dream of running a sanctuary, the SUST appeals to these people not only to acquire the necessary animal welfare expertise, but also to plan the future of their organization carefully and for the long term.
The SUST supports associations, micro-projects or private individuals who meet their animal welfare requirements with operations, materials and food and also provides advice on administrative processes and tasks.
It is therefore particularly concerning that help is often only requested when the operation is suddenly no longer possible due to health problems or age.


Animal shelters and animal welfare organizations can apply for subsidized further training: by E-Mail

To the offer for consulting and reorganization of animal shelters

Sanctuaries in need


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