Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Impressive help in Ukraine...

October 2023

Before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Elena Rotanchuk was caring for 180 cats and three dogs in her shelter in Odessa. Since March 2022, she has been taking care of over 700 cats and 14 dogs. These are abandoned pets affected by the war. Many of them have lost limbs due to attacks, injured eyes, or have been wounded by shrapnel. Elena has already found good homes for some of them, but it takes a lot of time. As more and more animals arrive and winter is approaching again, Elena has requested support. Thanks to your donations, we were able to arrange a large delivery of food for the shelter in Odessa. Elena has sent us pictures. She is infinitely grateful to you for your help, your ongoing support for animals in need. Thank you for not forgetting these animals and for continuing to contribute - every small amount helps.

Impressive help in Ukraine...


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