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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A Weekend at the Animal Shelter!

June 2024

At the Tierheim Tellen (Hohentannen TG) the animal welfare heroes spent their entire weekend! AND they demonstrated incredible perseverance!

In addition to cleaning up and disposal work, dog kennels were dismantled and dog runs were renewed at the animal shelter, where stray or sick animals find a home, are nursed back to health, and are rehomed to good places.

On Saturday, 16 SUST animal welfare helpers dedicated their free time, expertise, and muscle power in the heat for the benefit of homeless animals... and on Sunday (when we expected rain, but it didn't occur), there were 8 helpers!

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#susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #susttierschutzhelfer #tierheimunterstützung

A Weekend at the Animal Shelter!


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