Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A beastly THANK YOU...

August 2023

The Tiertafel in Kreuzlingen is supplied by SUST, as are 16 other places within the framework of SUST social work for animals.
Animal owners affected by poverty can obtain food free of charge from these food distribution points throughout Switzerland and receive valuable information on animal welfare issues.
on topics relevant to animal welfare.
Your donations have made possible a pallet full of dog food for Kreuzlingen. THANK YOU!
The animals of people who are already living close to the subsistence level are clearly feeling the rising prices. The demand for food is so high
we have already reached the amount of pallets we could deliver in the whole year 2022.
Your support is still urgently needed:
A beastly THANK YOU...


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