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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A severe case of babesiosis....

May 2023

Small but mighty, in both senses!
Sasha, the little Chihuahua lady, was bitten by a small infected tick. However, this led to a very severe case of babesiosis in her.
Sasha was so weak when she was brought to SUST-OAH Moreni that she could barely stand or walk. Her chances of survival were slim, and the owner would never have been able to afford the cost of treatment at the regular veterinarian.
If it were not for the will of our SUST team in Moreni:
To keep all tiny and temperamental Chihuahuas as the precious, perfect beings they are.
Who knows how excruciating Sasha's final ordeal would have been....?
After a week of intensive care, a blood transfusion, daily infusions, lots of cuddles and delicious food, Sasha was able to fall back into her owner's arms. She was also dewormed properly and received a treatment against ticks and fleas as well.
All of this would not have been possible without your continued support. We and Sasha are grateful to be able to share in these happy stories and help those who need our help the most - Thank you!

A severe case of babesiosis....


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