Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A warm "Thank You"...

May 2024

Old animals whose owners have died, or animals from animal shelters that can no longer be rehomed...
...the Waldheim Animal Sanctuary helps such animals. The small team offers 90 animals a species-appropriate retirement. In addition to a lot of space, time, expertise and love, this also requires a lot of food money.
Thanks to your donations, we can support animals in small Swiss organisations with food donations and their carers can put their worries aside for a moment.
We always receive a thank you in the post which we are happy to pass on to you!
Thank you for your valuable help for animals in need - without your support these food deliveries would not be possible!
Homeless animals need food - please help:
A warm "Thank You"...


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