Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

The sweet little mouse has found an initial sponsor!

October 2023

Thousands of disgusting little maggots were crawling on this poor dog when she was brought to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital Galati (RO). Her neck and lower jaw were severely swollen and inflamed, and she could barely move. Every touch was painful for her. No one could say exactly what had happened to her, but it was certain that in this condition, she would not have survived much longer without help. Thanks to the professional treatment by our clinic team, the little one is now fit and cheerful, and she likes to be helpful, for example, by helping with the laundry. Unfortunately, she has no place to return to, so after her complete recovery, we will find her a place in our shelter attached to the clinic.

With an initial sponsorship, for a one-time donation of CHF 100, you can give the animal a name and receive a beautiful certificate as a reminder of your good deed.

The sweet little mouse has found an initial sponsor!


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