Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Rebecca and Michi W. take over the start sponsorship.

April 2024

No day passes without emergencies in our animal orphanage in Galati, Romania. Puppies are even less able to assess potential dangers on the streets than their street-wise adult counterparts. That's why this little fellow fell victim to a car accident. He was brought to us by the local police and, of course, can no longer return to the street, which is why he will stay with us in the shelter. He suffered a pelvic fracture, which was treated at our animal orphanage.

With a starter sponsorship of CHF 100, you can contribute to the costs incurred by the treatment. As a token of appreciation, the starter sponsor receives a beautiful certificate and 1000 karma points. Additionally, the starter sponsor can also come up with a suitable name for the little one.

Rebecca and Michi W. take over the start sponsorship.


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