Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

The little "man" has found a start sponsor - thank you Daniel P.

August 2023

Hard to imagine, but this delicate creature was abandoned yesterday morning near the home of our dear Lilu in Galati (RO). Everywhere it sought refuge, it was chased away with fists and kicks.
Of course, Lilu could not stand by any longer. She took the completely frightened dog to her home and then brought him to her workplace at the SUST animal orphanage.
We are glad that the little one is now in our care and therefore safe. Who knows what would have become of him if Lilu had not been in the right place at the right time?
Now he is allowed to recover from his bad experiences and to trust people again. He also has to cure an ear infection.

For a one-time donation of CHF 100.- you can become a start sponsor and give the dog a name.

The little "man" has found a start sponsor - thank you Daniel P.


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