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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Tackling the problem at its root...

January 2024


In Switzerland, far too many unwanted kittens from feral colonies or uncontrolled breeding situations are still being cruelly killed. True animal welfare involves releasing these cats back into their familiar environment after neutering, if possible, and continuing to care for them. That's why SUST-CATFORCE was established.

Often, caregivers alone cannot manage such colonies independently and in the long term. Last week, a SUST-Catforce team (two veterinarians, 3 animal caretakers, and a SUST animal welfare helper) was in action to administer follow-up vaccinations to 49 cats from a larger neutering campaign in November. This initiative aims to tackle one of the "hidden" animal welfare problems in Switzerland at its roots.

Thank you for making this animal welfare work possible with your donations, thus saving many lives from a painful and slow death.


Tackling the problem at its root...


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