Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Crowdfunding for the SUST-OAH Bucharest

February 2024

Would you like to help?
Transport crates and metal cages for cats and dogs are part of the basic equipment of our castration team in Romania.
The SUST vets, vet techs and helpers from the OAH Bucharest (RO) work tirelessly to reduce the suffering of homeless animals.
Neutering is the only way to keep street animal populations under control and healthy in the long term. That's why our team also travels to remote regions with the mobile clinic to carry out free castrations and raise awareness of the benefits of this.
Many people often bring their animals to these campaigns in adventurous transport containers such as bags, cardboard boxes, on chains or even simply in their arms. Animals are even taken along by bike, handcart or public bus. It looks funny, but there is an increased risk of accidents for the animals, they can escape, get lost or even injure our team.
Transport crates are the "material" with the shortest lifespan during neutering campaigns. In 2023 alone, our team had to replace over 50 crates...
Now many of the cages are rusty, boxes are badly damaged.
We have set up a crowdfunding campaign for the urgently needed new transport boxes and cages. Would you like to help?
Crowdfunding for the SUST-OAH Bucharest


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