Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)


December 2023

Any amount helps to provide a dental cleaning device for our SUST-OAH Bucharest!
Stray cats often have bad teeth and painful, advanced mouth sores. As you can see in the video with Anca Cruceru from OAH Bucharest: https://youtu.be/zlyH6FWD2sE.
However, many continue to suffer because treatment by a specialist is very expensive. The medical care we can give such animals at the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital is not sufficient on its own. Thanks to this mobile unit, we can provide such treatment not only at the OAH, but also on our neutering campaigns.
Please help us to make dental treatment possible thanks to the mobile "dental unit".
Together we can do it! Every amount is a valuable contribution:


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