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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Bobita's start sponsorship is taken over by Melanie B.

April 2024

The tiny Bobita was apparently heartlessly abandoned and left to his fate. Perhaps because he's old? We don't know. The local stray dogs certainly didn't welcome the "newcomer" in their territory, as they made him feel clearly with bite wounds all over his body. He was brought to our animal orphanage hospital in Galati, Romania. Understandably completely traumatized, at first he wanted nothing to do with either humans or other dogs. However, he has since realized that he likes small sausages and that the hands offering them aren't so bad after all. Nevertheless, it will take some time for his physical and emotional wounds to heal. Melanie B. is taking over Bobita's starter sponsorship with a one-time donation of CHF 100, which we will use for his veterinary care. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this generous support!
Bobita's start sponsorship is taken over by Melanie B.


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