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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Bats are common patients....

March 2023

Bats are to blame for the existence of the wildlife rehabilitation center "Luanas Dream" near Bucharest. 9 years ago, they were among the first wild animals to be rehabilitated and nursed back to health by courageous professionals. They laid the foundation for one of the few institutions in Romania that takes care of the rescue and reintroduction of injured and orphaned wild animals.
SUST has been supporting "Luanas Dream" for many years and has contributed a great deal to turning the once small station into a professional wildlife rehabilitation center.
Bats are still among the patients at the wildlife clinic, although not as frequently. These 40 Greater Evening Swifts were rudely awakened from their hibernation when "their" tree was cut down in a park in Sibiu. They are currently being expertly cared for at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center until they are released back into the wild - as soon as temperatures are consistently above 10 degrees.
Here you can make a project-related donation for the expansion of "Luanas Dream": https://www.susyutzinger.ch/Crowdfunding
Bats are common patients....


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