Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Cat neutering campaigns are also urgently needed in Switzerland!

May 2023

In the name of Ferdy & Co. we thank all dear animal friends from the bottom of our hearts, who have contributed with a donation to the veterinary costs!
For Ferdy, probably enough money has been collected to pay his bill. And maybe there will be something left over for a little animal from the same region (Kt. FR), which had to be operated on its ear.
As you can see, Ferdy is doing much better and his appetite has returned since he got rid of his rotten teeth. Many thanks to Christiane from CatCare Sensebezirk, who is taking care of him.
If you also have a heart for sick and injured cats, which are caught on the occasion of neutering campaigns in Switzerland, we would appreciate your donation with the note "Ferdy & Co". Thank you very much in advance!
Cat neutering campaigns are also urgently needed in Switzerland!


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