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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Aria is one of Brigitte's foster animals at the SUST animal shelter in Galati

August 2023

The dog that looks so happy into the camera here is called Aria. Aria is one of Brigitte's godparents at the SUST animal shelter in Galati, Romania.
Once a year, the godparents have the opportunity to meet their charges personally on the occasion of the godparent trip and to see with their own eyes how their monthly donations are used.
As you can easily see, the meeting of godmother and godchild is a magical moment!
Would you like to experience such a magical moment?
Then become a godparent of the SUST animal shelter Galati!
(PS. The sponsorship is of course voluntary, but highly recommended).
More about the SUST animal shelter Galati:
More about the godparenthood program and the conditions of a godparenthood: www.facebook.com/tierheimpatenschaf/about_details
These four-legged friends are currently looking for a godmother / godfather: www.facebook.com/media/set/
Aria is one of Brigitte's foster animals at the SUST animal shelter in Galati


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