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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

All 3 puppies have received a starting sponsorship

February 2024

Puppies are adorable, there's no doubt about that. And yet their joy is limited when our colleagues in Galati (Romania) find abandoned puppies in front of the animal shelter. Now some people will say: At least in front of the shelter, where they are sure to be found. But: 1. there are free-roaming dogs there too, who are not exactly squeamish about intruders in their territory (so there is an acute danger to life) and 2. it is of course clear that the little ones cannot stay there and therefore have to be taken in - regardless of the shelter's spatial capacities. This can quickly push a shelter to its limits. 3. the mother dog will probably soon give birth to the next unwanted puppies if she is not neutered.
But yes, even these three little puppies will find a place somewhere with us where they can recover and regain their strength. At the moment they are still very shy and scream with fear when you try to touch them.
With their initial sponsorship in the form of a one-off donation of CHF 100, the godparents help to cover the initial costs for the three puppies.
The little ones will be examined, dewormed, vaccinated and tested for viral diseases at our animal orphan hospital.They also receive a health passport.We also cover part of the food costs in the early days.
As a thank you for your good deed, you will receive a nice certificate and can also choose a suitable name for "your" puppy.
All 3 puppies have received a starting sponsorship


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