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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Additional food reserves were needed at the animal shelter and SUST-OAH Beirut

February 2024

Due to the renewed escalation of violence in the Middle East conflict last autumn, we had to secure additional food reserves for the animal shelter of our partner organization in Lebanon (where our SUST Orphan Animal Hospital Beirut is located).
The situation in Lebanon is also very tense in Beirut. Airlines are canceling their flights, transport chains are no longer guaranteed and the Middle East conflict is driving supply insecurity throughout the country. 
Whenever there is an opportunity, we send food reserves for the animals in Lebanon, which we were able to finance through crowdfunding.
Another load has just arrived...
Thank you to everyone who has helped to secure this important extra reserve.
You too can make a big difference with small amounts:
You can find all SUST crowdfundings here.
Additional food reserves were needed at the animal shelter and SUST-OAH Beirut


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