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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Warning: Not for the faint of heart!

February 2023

As animal welfare activists, we are used to a lot. But sometimes even we are breathless when cases like this one are brought to our animal orphanages.
This Egyptian street cat had a big hole in her belly, from which a very bad stench emanated. Countless maggots had settled in the deep wound and were eating deeper and deeper into the flesh. The maggots had to be pulled out of the animal one by one by the veterinarian of the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital Hurghada (EG) before the treatment could begin. Nobody would have thought that a cat in such a bad condition could survive. But our team once again performed a miracle. After a week, when the cat was eating again on her own, it was clear that she was going to make it!
In fact, the pretty cat lady has fully recovered. And once the fur has grown back, it will no longer be noticeable that she has only just escaped a cruel fate.
Thank you very much, dear animal friends, that thanks to you and your donations we are able to witness such unbelievable happy endings again and again!

Warning: Not for the faint of heart!


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