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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Attention: Hedgehogs

March 2024

Due to the already spring-like temperatures and because motivated gardeners are disturbing their peace and quiet, many hedgehogs have already awoken from their hibernation.
In search of food or already on the lookout for a mate, they sometimes cover long distances and often cross roads in their search for a partner. Unfortunately, this is why most hedgehogs are run over during the mating season.
Watch out for hedgehogs after sunset and at night, especially in traffic. Of course you can also help a hedgehog across the road: Carry it across the road in its direction of travel and set it down at a safe distance.
Would you like to find out more about hedgehogs? Or make your garden hedgehog-friendly?
Click here for the hedgehog center: www.igelzentrum.ch
Attention: Hedgehogs


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