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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A Red-bellied Macaw!

June 2024

This small and relatively unknown species of macaw has never been in our SUST Orphan Animal Hospital before. One reason is that there are very few of them left. They are hunted and find less and less habitat.

❝Papilo❞, as we named the young parrot, was taken from the wild and kept as a "pet" before his owners voluntarily surrendered him to provide him with a better life. They brought him to us at the OAH because this wonderful project exists for precisely this reason.

One challenge, as usual, was getting him used to healthy parrot food. As a "pet," these birds usually only get rice and chicken. So, at first, Papilo wanted nothing to do with our food.

However, he now eats with enthusiasm and also enjoys his bird bath with equal enthusiasm!

In the picture, you can see him during his first examination and treatment by our SUST veterinarians Carlotta and Samira in the Peruvian jungle clinic.

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THANK YOU for supporting all animals in need, especially those that are particularly in need of protection:

A Red-bellied Macaw!


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