Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A look behind the scenes...

May 2024

At the consultation in Olten last Wednesday, we examined and treated 24 animals, but there was one special case that particularly moved us.
A dog came to the consultation who had been hit by a car the day before. No injuries were found at another veterinary practice.
However, thanks to Dr Leuenberger's careful examination, we discovered a severe pelvic fracture, which had to be confirmed by X-ray and operated on so that the dog would not be in pain.
A big thank you goes to Dr Leuenberger and TPA Alexandra Kohler for their professional and great commitment.
We would also like to thank Suchthilfe Ost for their co-operation and the opportunity to use their premises.
AND finally, we would like to thank you for making this important project possible with your donations!
Together for animals in need.
You can find more pictures of the vet consultation here:
A look behind the scenes...


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