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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

A butterfly with paws...

July 2024

Unfortunately, Fluturaș was bitten on the belly, and the wound became terribly infected. She could no longer feed her kittens. This milk stasis further fueled the infection from the bite wound, leading to a severe mastitis (breast infection). This situation was not only life-threatening for Fluturaș but also for her babies.

Out of fear of high veterinary costs, the owners waited a bit too long but luckily heard about our emergency assistance offer at the SUST Animal Orphan Hospital in Moreni. Thus, we were able to save Fluturaș’s life (and, of course, her babies' lives as well).

She thanked us with a very, very quick recovery! Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to treat her wound for free and professionally—and also spay her at no cost. Now, Fluturaș has the prospect of enjoying a long and carefree life as a cat.

Thank you very much for enabling this swift and vital emergency assistance.

A butterfly with paws...


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