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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

385 grams kitten

June 2023

Cico is still so tiny, he just fits in one hand. It is all the more difficult to imagine how much pain he was in due to his congenital glaucoma.
Luckily, Cico was found by attentive animal friends who knew about the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital and asked us for help. We immediately agreed and were able to remove Cico's diseased and painful eye.
Thanks to your continued support of SUST Orphan Animal Hospitals, we were able to perform the surgery and follow-up treatment free of charge so that little Cico can live a life without pain and now has a chance to become a healthy, loved pet.
We are incredibly grateful to be able to give animals in need a second chance!
All this is only possible thanks to your donations:
385 grams kitten


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