Heartwarming messages, reports, and “thank-yous” from all over the world keep reaching us. Cards, photos, videos – and even detailed PowerPoint presentations!
One of these presentations reliably comes from Lilla, a dedicated animal welfare advocate in Hungary. We’ve enjoyed a wonderful collaboration with her for many years now.
Lilla devotes herself with great passion to protecting stray cats in the Debrecen region. Her commitment is tireless, and we actively support her spay and neuter programs. With great attention to detail, she documents every single case and regularly sends us impressive PowerPoints that showcase her work.
We’ve translated the summary of the second half of 2024 into German to show you how your support makes a difference…
…because none of this would be possible without you!
You can watch the video on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/BQm5I0rcdH8