Even the smallest amounts can cause severe kidney damage in cats,
often with a fatal outcome.
Symptoms of poisoning:
- Lethargy & loss of appetite
- Hyperventilation & dehydration
- Dilated pupils & impaired balance
Cats (and dogs) find the sweet taste of the substance particularly tempting. Spilled antifreeze is not only absorbed directly: Animals can also ingest the substance later by licking it off their paws or fur; even the smallest amounts are enough to cause life-threatening damage.
Danger in winter:
Did you know? When fountains flow even in icy temperatures, this is often only due to the use of antifreeze.
An invisible but deadly danger for animals.
Protect your animals:
- Never use antifreeze in water that is accessible to animals.
- Choose alternatives without ethylene glycol.
- Thoroughly wipe up spilled antifreeze immediately!
- Store antifreeze safely and out of the reach of children and animals.
and animals.
Emergency? See a vet immediately! Quick action can save lives.
Share this knowledge and help us to protect lives.