Competence Centre Animal Shelter Animal shelters become high-quality transition stations for homeless animals, where animals are kept and promoted in a way that is appropriate for theis species and finally transferred to good new places. Ins Switzerland as well as worldwide.
Neutering campaigns Braking the animal misery The Susy Utzinger animal welfare foundation supports and carries out neutering projects in various countries on an ongoing basis. In this way, the suffering of animals is slowed down, slowly but steadily and sustainably.
Education and training Specialists are given the opportunity to optimize their knowledge and provide improved animal welfare. The training and further education of veterinarians and animal welfare activists is an important pillar and is known for its quality and efficiency.
Information to the public Expertise is essential for the protection of animals. The Susy Utzinger animal welfare foundation is committed to provide information and knowledge to animal owners and -lovers and to educate about current problems
Emergency aid Our base for sustainable animal welfare projects Emergency aid as a base for sustainable animal welfare projects How animal lifes are saved The Susy Utzinger animal welfare foundation offers immediate help through animal rescue campaigns, first aid and veterinary operations and through the orphan animal hospitals: Where injured, sick and abandoned strays find shelter and receive urgently needed veterinary care and medical care.
Neutering campaign in the Sense district FR January 2025 Neutering campaigns are also urgently needed in Switzerland to prevent animal suffering in the long term. > mehr erfahren
zurück YOU CAN HELP RAISE AWARENESS! December 2024 Hang one on your horse paddock, the sheep pasture, the stable wall, the notice board in your apartment building, your garage door, the break room, or anywhere else you think it makes sense and will be seen (and where it is permitted!). THANK YOU! Happy holidays and wishing you a peaceful start to 2025! #susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #tierischeknallerei #feuerwerk #tierehabenangst Tags: Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz feuerwerk tiere haben angst tierische knallerei
#SUST25 – Starke Worte für den Tierschutz: Kata Pierog #SUST25 – Starke Worte für den Tierschutz: Kata Pierog🐾 Kata Pierog vom Tierheim Mancsmentő (HU), sendet herzliche Worte der Dankbarkeit für die jahrelange...
#SUST25 – Starke Worte für den Tierschutz: Krisztina Mucsi #SUST25 – Starke Worte für den Tierschutz: Krisztina Mucsi🐱 Krisztina Mucsi von der Stiftung „Cica-Vár-Lak“ (HU), dankt für die Unterstützung im Kampf gegen...
#SUST25 – Starke Worte für den Tierschutz: Kata Bekéné vom Tierheim in Cegléd (HU) #SUST25 – Starke Worte für den Tierschutz: Kata Bekéné vom Tierheim in Cegléd (HU)🐶 Kata Bekéné, vom Tierheim Állatmenhely Nyílt Alapítvány in Cegléd (HU), dankt uns...