At the beginning of December, as part of the Social Work for Animals (SOFT) initiative, we cared for seven animals during the consultation hours in Biel. Unfortunately, we also had to face a heartbreaking farewell: a 13.4 kg orange tomcat was so severely affected by liver disease due to his obesity that the only thing left for us to do was to let him go. The owner was shocked to learn that her "extra cheese treats" had such fatal consequences—well-intentioned but misguided love for animals can cause significant harm.
Animals are not humans! Please inform yourself about proper care, for example, with our free guides, "A Cat Moves In" and "Beware of Cat Traps"
A heartfelt thank you to Contact Arbeit, Dr. med. vet. Karin Böhlen, TPA Anika Fritschi, and everyone who makes this project possible through their donations. Learn more about our SOFT initiatives!:
You can find more images from this SUST veterinary consultation here: Facebook
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