
The SUST Emergency Aid

The SUST Emergency Aid

Those animals that are not yet able to benefit from the effects of the sustainable SUST reconstruction work and have to...

The SUST Emergency Aid

Those animals that are not yet able to benefit from the effects of the sustainable SUST reconstruction work and have to lead a life on the road need immediate help.
SUST orphan animal hospitals

SUST orphan animal hospitals

In order to help homeless animals in need, the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation set up the SUST orphan animal...

SUST orphan animal hospitals

In order to help homeless animals in need, the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation set up the SUST orphan animal hospitals.
Active shelter support

Active shelter support

During the time animals have to spend in an animal shelter, they are entitled to appropriate accommodation, veterinary...

Active shelter support

During the time animals have to spend in an animal shelter, they are entitled to appropriate accommodation, veterinary care and professional care.
Neutering campaigns

Neutering campaigns

Every year, SUST carries out thousands of neuterings on dogs and cats, thus contributing to the animal-friendly and...

Neutering campaigns

Every year, SUST carries out thousands of neuterings on dogs and cats, thus contributing to the animal-friendly and long-term containment of street animals.
SUST Accademy

SUST Accademy

Animal welfare through proper action - the SUST Academy imparts the relevant specialist knowledge.

SUST Accademy

Animal welfare through proper action - the SUST Academy imparts the relevant specialist knowledge.
Education and training of specialists

Education and training of specialists

Through appropriate training and further education, animal protectionists and other professionals tackle animal welfare...

Education and training of specialists

Through appropriate training and further education, animal protectionists and other professionals tackle animal welfare problems not only with a lot of love, but also with a great deal of expertise.
Help animals

The 4 pillars of the foundation (SUST)

Animal welfare with heart and mind
These four elements form the important base to sustainable animal welfare projects.

Those animals that are not yet able to benefit from the effects of this reconstruction work and have been born into a world where they are not wanted, need the emergency aid of SUST.

Currently On


Update zu Kasmir:

November 2024

Wir haben grossartige Neuigkeiten aus unserem SUST-Tierwaisenhospital in Peru:
Der kleine Ameisenbär Kasmir, der vor einigen Monaten als hilfloses Jungtier zu uns kam, konnte jetzt erfolgreich wieder in die Wildnis entlassen werden!
Dank der intensiven Pflege und liebevollen Betreuung unseres Teams ist Kasmir zu einem kräftigen, neugierigen jungen Tamandua herangewachsen, der seine natürliche Umgebung nun eigenständig erkunden kann. Von der anfänglichen Milchfütterung bis zu täglichen Spaziergängen im Dschungel, bei denen er das Baumklettern und die Futtersuche lernte – jeder Schritt hat ihn auf dieses grosse Ziel vorbereitet.
Unsere Tierärztin Carlotta ist stolz: ❝Zu sehen, wie sich ein so sensibles und anspruchsvolles Tier in unserer Obhut entwickelt, ist ein wunderbares Erlebnis. Kasmir hat nun die Fähigkeiten, die er für ein Leben in der Wildnis braucht.❞
Kasmirs Geschichte zeigt, wie wichtig und wertvoll die Arbeit in unserem „SUST-Dschungelklinik“ OAH Bello Horizonte ist. Hier können gefährdete Wildtiere wie Kasmir professionell gesund gepflegt und fachgerecht auf ein selbstständiges Leben in der Natur vorbereitet werden.
Mehr über unser Engagement für Wildtiere in Peru finden Sie hier:
Susy Utzinger Stiftung.
Update zu Kasmir:

Picture of the Week

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