Help animals

SUST-Orphan Animal Hospital Beirut

The SUST-Orphan Animal Hospital Beirut (Lebanon) gives street animals in need a second chance: sick and injured strays are treated, operated on and rehomed here free of charge and professionally. In addition to emergency cases, castrations are also carried out: In this way, the overpopulation of street animals in this region is limited in an animal-friendly and sustainable way.

Countless dogs and cats live on the streets in and around Beirut. Every day, many of them are abandoned, get injured, have accidents and/or fall ill - most of them die miserably without help (passers-by usually do not take such animals in distress to the vet for fear of the high costs). The remaining animals reproduce uncontrollably and provide numerous, unfortunately unwanted offspring.

In the Lebanese capital, many of them are rescued and receive urgently needed veterinary care at the Animal Orphans Hospital of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation: street dogs and cats (as well as other animal species) find refuge and veterinary care here. In addition, neutering of dogs and cats is carried out here on an ongoing basis. The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation organises and finances the Orphan Animal Hospital in Beirut and covers the veterinary costs, finances medication, therapies and care.

Gallery SUST-OAH Beirut



Brave patient at the SUST-OAH Beirut.

August 2024

Help for "Sherman"

"Sherman" is about 6 years old and was found near Beirut (LB) with a severe wound on his leg. It turned out that the wound was the result of a poorly performed surgery and/or improper post-operative care. An implant became infected, the scar was noticeable, and the leg was infested with maggots. Perhaps out of fear of the high follow-up costs, "Sherman" was simply left alone to suffer in pain. Cases like this leave us feeling helpless… But what we do know is that "Sherman" needs help, and thanks to the SUST Animal Orphan Hospitals, we are able to provide it. How your donations saved the life of sweet "Sherman" can be seen in the video:

Thank you for your commitment to sustainable animal welfare in Switzerland and many other countries!

#susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #OAHBeirut #soforthilfefürtiereinnot

Brave patient at the SUST-OAH Beirut.
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