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SUST Orphan Animal Hospitals

SUST Orphan Animal Hospitals

In many countries countless abandoned animals live on the streets. Many of these dogs and cats have been abandoned or born as strays. Life on the streets is dangerous and full of privation. Injured and sick animals usually have no chance to survive and usually die in agony and alone on the streets. Often in such cases there is no lack of helpfulness of people who love animals, but of their financial means to have street animals treated by a veterinarian.
The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation set up the SUST Animal Orphan Hospitals to ensure that these animals also receive help in need.
At present, there is one of these institutions in each of the following countries
- Galati, Romania
- Bucharest, Romania
- Moreni, Romania
- Hurghada, Egypt
- Bello Horizons, Peru
- Beirut, Lebanon
Since their opening, animals that have been injured or sick have been brought daily to the SUST Animal Orphan Hospitals, where they are professionally treated and cared for. If the animals are healthy and strong enough to survive on the streets after their recovery, they are released back into their territory. If possible, animals with special needs will be accommodated in animal shelters. Fortunately, new places for patients can be continuously found.
The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation finances the veterinary costs, clinic equipment, medicines, operations, therapies, food and care in the animal orphanage hospitals. The SUST often also finances the construction of the corresponding clinic.
The activities of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation are financed exclusively by donations and legacies (no public support).



Great singers...

August 2024

Even though their call doesn’t really sound like a trumpet, these wonderful birds use their voice intentionally for various purposes, essentially having their own form of language. However, this particular trumpeter bird wasn't in the mood for singing—a lingering wound on its face was troubling him.

At the SUST Animal Orphanage Hospital in Bello Horizonte (PE), our SUST veterinarian Carlotta was able to clean and then stitch up the wound. After a few days of rest in one of our clinic enclosures (of course, with the freshest food), he was then released back into the surrounding forest.

There, he immediately resumed his favorite activity: Hunting for insects! Thanks to your donations, he’s now trumpeting again! THANK YOU for your continued commitment to animals in need, in Switzerland and many other countries. You can find out more about the SUST-OAH Peru here:

  • Peru
5 Pillars:
  • Emergency Aid
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