Help animals

Rabies control

The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation supports rabies vaccination in many countries

If the domestic animals dog and cat are vaccinated against rabies, humans are also protected: Many people also keep dogs in countries at risk of rabies. However, dogs are also the main transmitters of rabies to humans. If a person is bitten by an infected dog, expert medical care must be provided immediately. This is difficult in remote villages. In addition, most people in many countries cannot afford the cost of treatment. It is easier and cheaper to vaccinate dogs against rabies as a preventive measure.

The SUST has therefore been supporting rabies vaccinations for many years.



September 28 was World Rabies Day

September 2024

Our local partner organisation Innovation for the Development and Protection of Environment is doing this important work to protect animals in conflict-affected areas and prevent the spread of deadly diseases such as rabies.
Each vaccination not only protects the animals, but also the people in these communities.
Your donations make this vital work possible - together we save lives. Thank you for your help!
September 28 was World Rabies Day
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