Help animals

Emergency missions

Silent emergency aid - where it is urgently needed

In many cases, the SUST provides direct assistance without third parties ever knowing about it. Expert knowledge, emergency scenarios and plans are set up in no time at all, relief operations are carried out and animal utensils and urgently needed animal feed are delivered - in emergencies, SUST provides fast, unbureaucratic and discreet help.

The aim is to find a way to a better organised and managed animal shelter and to well-founded animal protection work together with animal protectionists or owners of animal shelters, without showing them up. In such cases it is often only possible to proceed in small steps and very carefully.

If animal shelters need help, the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation is there for them.



Storm Boris hits the Galati region hard!

September 2024

Storm Boris has severely devastated several villages (such as Fârțănești and Viile) in the Galati district (RO). The SUST team went to the affected areas yesterday to provide urgent emergency aid and captured these images. In the video, you can see how we are providing food for the animals, as well as distributing food and water to the people on-site:

We are able to provide this life-saving food aid directly and efficiently thanks to our specially established emergency food aid account. You too can help by donating to: IBAN: CH22 0900 0000 1545 7322 7
We need your support to help the surviving farm animals, livestock, cats, and dogs!
THANK YOU for helping support the victims of the storm!
  • Romania
5 Pillars:
  • Emergency Aid
Storm Boris hits the Galati region hard!
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