Help animals

Education and Training

Education and training of specialists

The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation's guiding principle is "Let's tackle the root of the problem". In addition to the optimisation of animal shelters and neutering campaigns in Switzerland and many other countries, the training and further education of veterinarians and animal protectionists is an important pillar of this philosophy: The SUST veterinary training courses are known for their quality and efficiency.
Animal welfare activists learn elementary principles for the handling and care of animals and for the management of animal shelters, veterinarians are brought up to date with the latest neutering techniques by internationally recognized colleagues and experience new and important things for the implementation of such campaigns.
This lays the foundation for further successful neutering campaigns to meet the quality standard demanded by SUST: This means that countless unwanted young animals do not have to be born and suffer in the first place. It has been proven that the overpopulation of dogs and cats can only be contained in the long term and animal-friendly by neutering campaigns.

This is what we have set ourselves the goal of our animal welfare work: the problem is being tackled at the root!

The pillar "basic and advanced training of specialists" includes

- Courses at the SUST Academy
- Veterinary training in different countries
- Animal welfare seminars in different countries
- ERFA events in Switzerland
- Internships for veterinarians, students and veterinary assistants in different countries
- Trainee programme for young Swiss veterinarians of SUST and Kompanima
- personal training of experts during SUST operations
- Co-financing of training centres

If you'd like to find out more about other the Specialist Education & Training projects of SUST, please access the German version of the website using your browser's translation extension.
The activities of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation are financed exclusively by donations and legacies (no public support).



Wertvolles Pferdefachwissen für die SUST-TierschutzhelferInnen

März 2013

Am SUST-Pferdehandlingkurs schulte Tierärztin und Pferdefachfrau Julie Schwechler die SUST-Helferinnen und -Helfer über die wichtigsten Pferdethemen. Auf dem Lektionenplan standen:
- Geschichte des Pferdes (zum Teil auch Esel)
- gängige Verhaltensmuster / Körpersprache
- häufige Verhaltensstörung
- Grundlagen Anatomie / Physiologie / Vitalparameter
- Regeln im Umgang mit Pferden und Eseln
- Gesetzgebung in der Schweiz / verbotene Handlungen / Haltungsformen
- häufigste Erkrankungen / Endo- und Ektoparasiten
Susy Utzinger erläuterte häufige Tierschutzprobleme und wiederkehrende Situationen mit Pferden in den SUST-Auslandeinsätzen, sowie die Ansprüche an TierschutzhelferInnen im Einsatz. Im praktischen Teil liess Tierärztin Julie Schwechler die Tierschutzhelfer am lebenden Objekt arbeiten:
Direkt an verschiedenen Pferden wurden Vitalparameter bestimmt, Hufe ausgekratzt, Halfter und Zaumzeug angezogen, Pferde korrekt geputzt und Verbände angelegt.
Für die Unterstützung dieses Kurses danken wir sehr herzlich:
- Tierärztin Julie Schwechler
- Restaurant Löwen, Kaltbrunn
- Pensionsstall Dammis, Kaltbrunn
- Evelin Hertach, Dorothee Emmenegger und Pat Bigler für die Unterstützung des praktischen Teils und ganz herzlich den geduldigen Pferden Arena, Luna und Nadja

  • Switzerland
5 Pillars:
  • Education and Training
  • Information to the public
Wertvolles Pferdefachwissen für die SUST-TierschutzhelferInnen
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