"The pictures and videos that reach me from my second home are heartbreaking - wounded and burnt beyond recognition animals, burnt trees as far as the video camera can reach and at the same time many volunteers and professional helpers who give everything to stop the fires.
My heart burns with and for Bolivia! And after I have overcome the paralyzing impotence from all the suffering, I ask at this point full of hope for your support. "My" animal reserve has launched a fundraising campaign to counteract this catastrophe."
--> www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/NjMwNDg=
The money raised will go towards a much-needed emergency plan for the Chiquitania region, a unique ecosystem particularly hard hit by the fires. A group of experts - including biologists, ecologists, veterinarians and various animal welfare organisations such as Senda Verde - will meet today (Monday September 2) for the first time to define the necessary measures
Your donations will be used for the following purposes:
1. medical care for injured animals: so far only very few animals have been found, most of them are dead. Many material donations have already been received for the few survivors. They will be treated by local veterinarians and released as soon as possible. Only special cases (so far an ocelot and a Puma young animal) are accommodated in reserves.
2. transport and distribution of water and food so that the wild animals do not starve / die of thirst near the fires.
3. bring the necessary specialists to the affected areas to develop detailed analyses and reforestation solution strategies.
Every amount and every Like / Share is crucial and can make a big difference. If the necessary credit card is missing, you can also donate via the Animalma association account: IBAN CH28 0070 0110 0052 6032 0 / Account number: 80-151-4 / In favour of: Animalma, 8000 Zürich / Note "SOS Bolivia"
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me - either via the Facebook page of Animalma or at info@animalma.org.
You can find more information about my heart project at www.sendaverde.org resp. www.animalma.org.
Full of hope,
Sarah Fehr