No one had felt responsible for him up to that point. An attentive animal lover recognised his distress and brought him to the Tierarztpraxis Rothenburg i
in the canton of Lucerne. Zwatty was suffering from a severe case of cat flu, which urgently needed to be treated. To ensure that neither the finder nor the veterinary practice were left to foot the bill, we contributed a large sum towards the treatment costs as part of our ‘SaveMyLife’ project for sick and injured found cats. Today, Zwatty is well again and will soon be able to move into a new home.
Little Zwatty would have been spared a lot of suffering if his mother (and her mum and her mum's mum...) had been neutered in time. Please set a good example and have your cats neutered so that no more ‘Zwattys & Co.’ are born and others have to take care of their welfare in the end.
Find out more about our ‘SaveMyLife’ project here: