Help animals

Spay/neuter campaigns abroad

Slowing down the animal misery: The SUST tackles it sustainably

Hundreds of thousands of street dogs and cats fight for survival in many countries, countless of them are captured and many of them vegetate under terrible conditions, while new unwanted kittens are born all the time. The suffering of unwanted dogs and cats is infinite in many countries.

Castrations are the only way to reduce the overpopulation of street animals in a long-term and animal-friendly way. Thousands of dogs, cats and other animals have already been successfully operated in various countries by the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation. As a result of this measure, countless unwanted animals were not even born in the first place. Such actions have a future: No more emaciated animal mothers on the streets, no more famine and no more sexually transmitted diseases, where the animals perish miserably.

If the number of street animals is reduced, the unwanted, "disturbing" animals will no longer be tortured: No more poisoning actions, no more animals beaten to death, no more shooting actions. In this way the animal misery is slowed down, slowly but steadily and sustainably.



Successful Animal Welfare Operation in the SUST Shelter and OAH Galati, Romania

A large neutering campaign, parasite treatments for the shelter animals, and many cleaning and maintenance tasks were completed thanks to the SUST animal welfare helpers team.

SUST Animal Welfare Operation in Galati (RO)

A large team of animal welfare helpers was deployed in the first week of June 2024 at the SUST Shelter and OAH in Galati. The helpers, SUST veterinarians, and the entire team from SUST-OAH and the SUST Shelter in Galati used their veterinary expertise directly for the benefit of the animals this week.

Here are some impressions from the diary of Susy, who led the operation:

June 2, 2024
"The teams are well-prepared, and both the shelter operation at the SUST Shelter and the neutering campaign at the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital are in full swing. The SUST animal welfare helpers attend various training sessions before participating in such an operation: basic veterinary knowledge, canine and feline body language, and much more. All of this is now being directly applied for the benefit of the animals."

June 4, 2024
"Today, the SUST team professionally neutered 91 dogs and cats. In addition to the large neutering campaign at the OAH (Orphan Animal Hospital), the team is also performing endo- and ectoparasite treatments for several hundred shelter dogs and cats."

June 3, 2024
"Today, we were able to perform 90 professional neuterings! In addition, we treated injured animals, captured feral dogs, cared for the shelter dogs and cats, and carried out countless other tasks—all in 32-degree heat. The SUST team is dedicated to these animals from early morning until late at night, putting all their love for animals and expertise to work!"

June 5,  2024
"77 neuterings and so much more took place today on the animal welfare stage. It's hard to list everything our team in Galati accomplished today: besides cleaning, feeding, and watering, we brushed out the winter coats of many shelter dogs, went with Dr. Ovidiu and his anesthetic rifle in search of street dogs (which are now neutered), scoured the area for abandoned animals, and carried out a thorough cleaning of the sheep pen as well as clearing the pastures."

The video provides a clear answer as to why the SUST animal welfare workers take on this hard work and why your donations reach exactly where they are needed!

Here is the link to the album on facebook:

From Susy Utzinger Stiftung für Tierschutz - SUST on Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

Thank you!
That you enable sustainable and reputable animal welfare through your donations to SUST!

Donate now: Jetzt Spenden  

Successful Animal Welfare Operation in the SUST Shelter and OAH Galati, Romania
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