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Spay / neuter campaigns Switzerland

neutering feral cats -
no more killing of unwanted kittens

In many Swiss regions live feral cats, which belong to nobody and give birth twice a year. Normally these kittens become feral and nobody cares about them - in the end such cat colonies are killed with often cruel methods.
It is therefore not enough simply to feed such cat colonies or individual feral cats - real animal welfare is to catch feral cats, have them neutered and then (if possible) release them back into their familiar environment (and continue to care for them).

The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation supports active animal lovers who want to castrate homeless cats.

Our work of the pillar "Spay / neuter campaigns Switzerland" contains:
- Cooperation with veterinarians throughout Switzerland for cat neutering campaigns
- Assumption of neutering costs for farm colonies and feral groups
- Rental of cat and dog traps
- Brochure "Cat castrations = active animal protection"
- Educating the population about this topic through posters and flyers
- Feed donations for feral colonies and farms



A perfect (cat) world in Switzerland?

March 2022

Whoever thinks that animal suffering only exists abroad is very much mistaken. This poor cat was found on a Swiss farm during a castration campaign. She had been in this terrible condition for some time, but had so far successfully refused to be trapped. However, our partner animal welfare organization CatCare Sensebezirk remained persistent. This persistence was rewarded in the end, but unfortunately by this time the cancer had progressed so far that there was no longer any prospect of a cure. The animal had to be released from its suffering. We mourn the loss of another unnamed kitten, which was born unwanted and was never allowed to experience what it means to have a sheltered home.

This is also animal welfare: to be able (or to have to) accept when the last good deed for an animal means its salvation. 

#tierschutz #susyutzinger #kastrationenschweiz #kastrationen #wirhelfentieren 

#tierschutzschweiz #katzenelendschweiz #stiftungfuertierschutz #sust 

A perfect (cat) world in Switzerland?
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