110 dogs and cats were castrated within only three days. Another important step in the right direction - to reduce the overpopulation of street animals and thus also the animal suffering in this area.
Despite the success of this action, some sad cases clouded our joy.
For example, our teams found the poor male "Margelatu", the chain dog with the large, spherical tumours on his neck, but luckily they were able to bring him to the SUST Animal Orphanage Hospital in Bucharest. They discovered an abandoned dog whose hind legs were tied together with wire, probably so that she could not run after her owner. We will spare you these terrible pictures here. Of course, she too was immediately taken to the animal orphanage for medical treatment. If that were not enough, the SUST teams found several cats with severely inflamed and/or injured eyes, which were in great pain and also in need of medical care.
Such cases show us again and again that our animal welfare work is extremely important! Many thanks for your support