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Shelter and veterinary care for stray animals in Galati, Romania

The SUST orphan animal hospital (OAH) Galati gives stray animals in need a second chance: Sick and injured strays are treated here free of charge and professionally, operated and nursed back to health. In addition to emergency cases, castrations are also carried out on a daily basis: Thus, the overpopulation of street animals in this region is limited in an animal-friendly and sustainable way.

An estimated 10,000 - 12,000 dogs and countless cats live on the streets in the huge Romanian industrial city of Galati. Every day many of them are abandoned, injured, have accidents and/or fall ill - most of them die miserably without help. Nobody cares about these animals. (Passers-by usually do not take such animals in distress to the vet for fear of the high costs) The remaining animals multiply uncontrollably and provide for numerous, unfortunately unwanted offspring.

In the orphan animal hospitals of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation, street animals find refuge and help! Accidentally injured and sick animals receive veterinary care here, and spay and neutering for dogs and cats are also carried out on an ongoing basis. The Susy Utzinger Foundation organizes and finances the Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati and covers the veterinary costs, finances medicines, operations, therapies and care.
In addition to the free spay programm and treatments of street animals, SUST is also intensively committed to a sustainable solution of the animal welfare problems on site on other levels: Education and training of professionals, optimization of animal shelters, information and education of the population and promotion of the placement of homeless animals directly in the country.

    SUST-OAH Galati (RO) on GOOGLE MAPS:










Start godmother found - thank you very much, Sharon S.!

February 2024

Recently, a rather special animal found its way to our animal orphan hospital in Galati, Romania. Namely a unicorn! You don't believe it? Then take a closer
take a closer look!
The poor thing was probably separated from her herd at some point and then chased by stray dogs. Because she was unable to flee so quickly due to an older injury to one of her claws, she would certainly have soon become prey. We wanted to spare her this fate, which is why she is now with us. She has been warmly welcomed by everyone and our other goat "Bebelusa" is delighted to finally no longer be the only lady in the herd with a chin beard!
With a one-off donation of CHF 100, the starting sponsor Sharon S. has contributed to the costs incurred to properly register, vaccinate, worm and treat our "unicorn" against ectoparasites. Part of the amount also covered the extra portion of hay that the black beauty is currently eating to get a little more weight on her ribs.
As a thank you, the starting sponsor received a nice certificate and was also allowed to think of a suitable name for her starting sponsored animal.
Start godmother found - thank you very much, Sharon S.!
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