Help animals

Information to the public

Information to the public

SUST information brochures and campaigns in different languages

The SUST's commitment, both spoken and written

Specialist knowledge for animal lovers - free of charge

Our expertise and many years of experience in dealing with pets are continuously processed in our information series "Animal welfare through proper action". In our free brochures, pet owners and animal lovers will find important tips and tricks for keeping, protecting and caring for our four-legged friends.

The pillar "Education & Information to the Public" includes

- Courses at the SUST Academy
- Public lectures
- Education to the public
- Media work on current animal welfare issues in different countries
- Free distribution of information brochures and flyers
- Free distribution of animal welfare posters
- Animal welfare campaigns
- School campaigns
- Creation, printing and delivery of learning material suitable for children in different languages
- School visits and distribution of learning and information material in different countries and languages

You can order the brochures and posters of SUST free of charge in the WebShop

If you'd like to find out more about all the projects in the pillar of Education & Information to the Public by SUST, please access the German version of the website using your browser's translation extension.

The activities of the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation are financed exclusively by donations and legacies (no public support).




Is this animal cruelty?

August 2024

Do you have:
- noticed that an animal is being mistreated, neglected or overworked?
- observed or were told by the perpetrators themselves that an animal was killed in an agonising or wilful manner or at least attempted to do so or was intended?
- Knowledge about animal fights in which animals are tortured or killed?
- seen an animal being abandoned?
Such cruelty to animals happens every day - the perpetrators often get through life comfortably in Switzerland.
This is not because our animal protection law does not apply, but rather because the responsible authorities often do not even learn of such cases.
Animals and authorities depend on the active help of animal lovers.
In most cases, it is passers-by who happen to observe an abuse and who can help animals out of a terrible situation and bring animal owners to justice.
But how? The SUST brochure "Animals have rights" helps you to behave correctly in such cases and to actively campaign for the protection of individual animals.
You can find them in the (available in German and French only)
We answer the most frequently asked questions from pet owners, animal lovers and interested parties in the online Q&A:
  • Switzerland
5 Pillars:
  • Information to the public
Is this animal cruelty?
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