Help animals

Work assignements in animal shelters

When animal shelters need help, the SUST is there for them.

While animal shelters and graveyards fight daily for their existence and take care of the complex care of their orphans, it can happen that important points are neglected in their animal shelter everyday life.

Since 2000, the animal shelter support provided by the Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation has been helping where animal shelters reach their limits: It is part of the daily work of the SUST experts to carry out days of work in animal shelters in which SUST teams tackle long overdue tasks, modify or supplement animal shelter facilities, reorganise animal shelter procedures, coordinate craftsmen's work (and bear their costs) and deliver animal feed, animal shelter utensils and building materials to animal shelters throughout Switzerland and abroad.

Here, animal welfare workers use their free time, expertise and strength to help homeless animals.



A Weekend at the Animal Shelter!

June 2024

At the Tierheim Tellen (Hohentannen TG) the animal welfare heroes spent their entire weekend! AND they demonstrated incredible perseverance!

In addition to cleaning up and disposal work, dog kennels were dismantled and dog runs were renewed at the animal shelter, where stray or sick animals find a home, are nursed back to health, and are rehomed to good places.

On Saturday, 16 SUST animal welfare helpers dedicated their free time, expertise, and muscle power in the heat for the benefit of homeless animals... and on Sunday (when we expected rain, but it didn't occur), there were 8 helpers!

You can also help with donations:

#susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #susttierschutzhelfer #tierheimunterstützung

  • Switzerland
5 Pillars:
  • Animal Shelter Support
A Weekend at the Animal Shelter!
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