Help animals

Delivery of food and animal utensils

Animal utensils and food for animal shelters since 2001

Every day, animals get into distress - caused by humans, both abroad and in Switzerland. The Susy Utzinger Animal Welfare Foundation has been working tirelessly for many years to alleviate animal suffering in a sustainable way.

An important part of the work is the distribution of used pet utensils. Whether sleeping and transport baskets, bowls, cloths, blankets, linen, halter, but also food and much more: for many animal protection organisations, supposedly old utensils are valuable things that they simply cannot afford. The material is collected by the foundation, sorted and delivered specifically to needy animal shelters: Around 80 tons of such animal utensils leave our material warehouse every year.



Many abandoned dogs on the streets of Romania

The Corona crisis turns many animals into victims

During the Corona crisis more and more dogs and cats are abandoned in Romania. Every day, our employees find abandoned animals on site and every day, additionally found dogs and cats are handed over to the SUST Animal Orphans Hospital. In addition, our employees are also spotting more and more street dogs: presumably they too have been abandoned.

SUST Food Emergency Relief also supports street dog feeding stations (where neutering is also carried out).

Every contribution saves lives: Please support our food donation campaign!

--> This way to the food donation:
SUST Food Account:
PC: 15 – 457 322 -7
IBAN CH22 0900 0000 1545 7322 7


1. quick, easy and unbureaucratic: Here you can donate for animal food. The money goes into a special account and is used 1:1 for the purchase of animal food.

2. professional and safe: The SUST selects animal shelters for its support that meet minimum animal welfare standards. Preference is given to animal shelters and animal welfare projects that work sustainably. Of course, emergencies have priority. But also street dog feeding stations and private animal owners in need are supported.

3. fast, targeted, environmentally friendly: The SUST uses it to buy the required food directly on site. This keeps long waiting times, such as delivery and transport costs to a minimum.

4. donate safely: The feed deliveries are documented on the social media channels of the SUST.

Every contribution saves lives: Please support our food donation campaign!

--> This way to the food donation:

  • Romania
5 Pillars:
  • Animal Shelter Support
Many abandoned dogs on the streets of Romania
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